U say Iv CHANGED... whn I live the way U always wanted me to LIVE....
U say I dun LOVE U... whn I dun agree to wat U say....
U say dat I dun care about U... whn Im all alone and need U d most....
why is it always bout U, U n only U....
I ChAngEd Myself To LOVe U so dat u start CARING bout me...........
wat is dis GAP between U n ME.... is dis OUR misunderstanding of OUR own understandings....
im AFRAID dat I might BECOME wat i always FEARED....
iM really THANKFUL to U for atleast noticing dis CHANGE.........
Mumbai aaja!! Jaldi..Dhamaal karenge...Rotulal!! :)
I love this line.. " Why is it always about you, you and only you, I changed myself to love you so that you start caring about me...."
Noticed one thing..? Ppl who change for their better halves are the one who are hurt at the end..!!
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